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Lecture notes Wednesday

Notes regional

Parametric design - scalable objects (so that if you change one parameter everything changes with it)

Try as much design softwares as possible

Parametric design is different in every design software

Notes global


equality constraints to make things the same size dimension constraints force something to a length

  • imperative design (click and drag)
  • generative design (describe how you want something and it generates it)


Different snaps to snap to grid of vertices or edges


2 lines on different planes that get connected by loft.

Parametric design

Use of spreadsheet

Integrate 3d view in website

Video encoding

Use H.264 to encode videos with

ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -3q:a output_video


  • model a possible final project with cad in 2d and 3d
  • make photorealistic render
  • make a movie
  • make a simulation that it works
  • compress them
  • post the description with the design files to the class page

Next week

  • next week parametric press fit construction kit.
  • focus on constrains and parametric