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What is Markdown

Markdown is a markup language. It's used a lot for documenting because its easy to style and you dont have to struggle with html css when used with Mkdocs or Hugo.

How do I use markdown

Markdown can be used anywhere. You just simple have to create a file that ends with .md. If you wanna view the markdown that you're writing in vistual studio code you can click the icon below in the top right of your screen.

alt text

Styling in markdown

You can syle text by placing different operators around text.

Basic markdown syntax

Text How to create it
very italic *a*
bold **bold**
# Head 1 # Head1
## Head 2 ## Head 2
### Head 3 ### Head 3
code suround text with `
Link [link](
image ![image](relative_path_to_image_or_link)

Markdown conventions

All markdown files must start with a Head1 otherwise Mkdocs won't understand the file and the pipline will crash.
