How to set up your own documentation page using mkdocs¶
What is Mkdocs and why use it?¶
Mkdocs generates HTML from Markdown making an easy documentation page. So you don't have to struggle with html and css so you can focus on things more important.
How to set it up¶
For this project im going to use Gitlab CI pipelines. CI stands for continuous integration. That means that with every push you can make something do. For example clean up code or generate a documentation page based on what you've written in markdown.
Step 1 choosing a theme¶
In this github repo there is a catalog of themes that you can choose. I went with the Ivory theme. (note this changed to material theme but the steps are still the same. link)
Step 2 preparing the envoirment¶
You wanna create a couple of files. These all need to be in the root of your project.
* mkdocs.yml
The configuration file for mkdocs
* requirements.txt
The list of dependencies for the python package manager to install
* .gitlab-ci.yml
The script that builds and deploys you page
Lets start with mkdocs.yml. In this file is described how to page should look and be named. This is the base of a mkdocs file:
site_name: My Docs by GitLab Pages
site_dir: public
theme: ivory
requirements.txt tell the python package manager (pip) what dependencies you want installed. For this project we need mkdocs and the theme you want installed. This is my requirements file
To find the version number of the theme you want you need to open the package website and there you can find what the latest version it's on. You don't have to add the version numbers but I do it because if the package maintainer sends out a broken update the package still works.gitlab-ci.yml¶
gitlab-ci.yml tells gitlab what to do when a commit is send out. For example this yml file builds a page and publishes it.
image: python:latest
- time apt update
- time pip install -r requirements.txt
stage: deploy
- time mkdocs build --site-dir public
- public
- "docs/**/*"
- "mkdocs.yml"
What does everything do?
Variables | Description |
image | Defines what OS should be used to for the scripts |
before_script | Commands to run before you run the script or build something |
pages | When this variable is mentioned gitlab knows it a pages job |
stage | Defines what stage the build process is in. This can be used to run jobs in parallel. for example: all early stage jobs at the same time and all main stage jobs at the same time. |
artifacts | Jobs can leave files. This tells them to save them |
path | This tells which files or folders to store as the artifacts |
rules | This tells when to run the pipeline |
if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH | If the branch committed to is set to the default branch in gitlab. Then run the pipeline |
changes | tell the pipeline to only update when certain files or folders are changed |